Specialist Curriculum

 Our Universal Curriculum Offer: 


  • Students are more able to access the curriculum due to having their individual needs met consistently.
  • A reduction in needs-driven dysregulation – as needs are identified earlier and swiftly and appropriately met.
  • Detailed and evidence-based information available for Annual Review reports – where applicable, is used to help support recommendations to amend EHCPs.
  • Students develop a positive self-image and views of themselves as successful learners, leading to high aspirations and ambitious Post 16 pathways.
  • Students are equipped with the interoception, language and skills to self-regulate and recognise their emotions and the impact they may have on their mental health and wellbeing.


  • Adaptive resources are available in all classrooms – wobble cushions, writing slopes, beanbags, fidget toys, yoga balls and chairs.
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health support embedded into every interaction equals intervention e.g 5 Point Scales enable student -led personalisation with high aspiration to engage successfully across the curriculum.
  • Supported sensory / movement breaks progress to safe and appropriate strategies suitable for adulthood, e.g. safe workspaces.
  • Consistent and effective use of scribes, alternative and augmented methods of communication and recording, reading pens.
  • Invigilator training for all staff, where appropriate, as standard to support normal ways of working in every classroom and interaction, every day.
  • Clear and structured referral process to external and internal specialist support – Music Therapy, Animal Therapy, Learning Outside The Classroom interventions, Literacy (1:1) support, BOUNCE counselling and Occupational Therapy.


  • Quiet rooms, sensory walkways / garden, sensory rooms, swings, squeeze machines, clamber stack.
  • Sensory-seeking behaviours are met through developing everyday, accessible strategies that can be transferred into further education and employment, e.g. Ice, hot drinks, breakfast routines.
  • Adaptive seating is in use throughout the school and normalised.
  • Life Skills Routines such as showering and personal hygiene.
  • Music – therapy (external specialist), 1:1 lesson (external specialist), access to instruments daily.
  • OT support – external specialist, training onsite staff – sensory programmes e.g. Ball therapy, deep pressure work.

Our mission is to prepare all our students for ‘“Learning for Lifelong Success”. We do this through our universal specialist curriculum that enables delivery of our core offer and empowers all our students to fulfil their potential through our broad and balanced curriculum. We are a learning family founded on strong relationships, a deep sense of belonging and high aspirations. We support and challenge each other to develop learning and life skills that create a resilient sense of self and help to secure the very best future for each of us. We deliver excellent, personalised and holistic education to enable every student to thrive in preparation for adulthood success.


  • To enable fair and equitable access to the curriculum for all.
  • To support students by meeting their sensory and physical needs both in and outside the classroom.
  • To establish normal ways of working as an evidence base for access arrangements both in school and Post 16.
  • To facilitate access to external specialist support / advice for students and staff.